Posledních pár týdnů nás paní učitelka přesvědčila o tom, že hodiny angličtiny nemusí být jen učení gramatiky nebo psaní testů a těžkých cvičení, ale může to být i zábava. Psali jsme totiž příběh.
Začátek byl těžký, protože není vždy snadné se s klukama na něčem dohodnout (dědeček Barman a babička Cat woman, které kluci navrhovali, se úplně nehodí). Nakonec jsme se dohodli, že hlavními postavami budou dvojčata Ellie a start a jejich věrný husky Rex. Ti v Olomouci na prázdninách u babičky a dědy prožili úžasné dobrodružství při hledání olomouckého pokladu.
Psaní tohoto příběhu byla velká zábava, ale někdy i fuška, protože jsme to museli psát v minulém čase a to nám moc nešlo. Nakonec jsme to zvládli a příběh dopadl skvěle.
Následující hodinu jsme četli tři příběhy z Anglie a jeden ze Španělska. Po přečtení všech příběhů jsme se shodli, že náš je nejlepší (jak jinak) :-) .
Adéla Vyroubalová a Monika Severová (6.B)
One day twins Ellie and Stuart and their husky named Rex went on holiday to their grandparents, who lived in Olomouc in the Czech Republic. One beautiful sunny morning they walked to have an ice cream and grandma Marry saw a poster of an eagle exhibition at Flora showgrounds. Grandma asked: "Do you want to go there?" And in the afternoon they visited the eagle exhibition.
They were looking at the eagles and they saw the neighbours' children. When they were watching a bird show something went wrong. Something scared the eagles and some of them flew away. Children decided to look for the eagles. They found a baby eagle which had a hurt wing. He had a map on his leg in a leather pocket.
They brought the eagle back to the exhibition and they kept the map. They went to grandparents' house to study the map. There was a sign on the map in the place of the astronomical clock. They went to the town square and they searched the astronomical clock. Suddenly, Rex saw something shiny under a tile. He started barking. Children came there and they found a key. The key was different, it looked like the Holy Trinity Column, so they went there. But the neighbours' children saw them and they started to follow them. When Ellie, Stuart and Rex arrived there, Stuart leaned on the wall and the wall opened. Rex ran inside so the children tried to catch him.
Rex was really fast and led them under the town. It was dark there but suddenly some torches lit up. Then they found Rex in a room. This room was quite big and in the middle there was a large, gold chest, but it was locked. Ellie wanted to open it with the key which Rex discovered and as she was getting closer, out of nowhere, Bob and Gertruda appeared. They tied up our children, but Rex hid behind a stone. Gertruda took the key from Ellie, unlocked the chest and Bob opened it. When they opened the chest they saw long lost diamonds, sapphires, golden coins, Czech garnets, crown jewels and rubies. Than Bob and Gertruda ran away with the treasure. Rex jumped out to help Ellie and Stuart. He chewed up the ropes and he saved our twins. Than they ran out of the catacombs to find neighbours' children. They looked around, they didn't see them, but they found a way made of golden coins. They followed the coins and suddenly the coins stopped at the exhibition area, so Ellie and Stuart tried to search Flora.
They went to a crowd of people and they saw the neighbours' children. Bob and Gertruda noticed the twins, so they started running faster. Out of nowhere there flew a dad of baby eagle called Olínek. He caught Bob and suddenly Rex jumped on Gertruda,who dropped the chest. Ellie and Stuart took the chest to the police and all of the money were used for the reconstruction of ice-hockey stadium called Plecharéna.